Authors list

  1. Mahdi Akbarzadeh
  2. Sahand Tehrani Fateh
  3. Aysan Moeinafshar
  4. Danial Habibi;
  5. Amir Hossein Ghanooni
  6. Hesam Saeidian
  7. Parisa Riahi
  8. Maryam Zarkesh
  9. Hossein Lanjanian
  10. Mina Jahangiri
  11. Maryam Moazzam-Jazi
  12. Farshad Teymoori
  13. Fereidoun Azizi
  14. Mehdi Hedayati
  15. Maryam Sadat Daneshpour

[VitD and Hypo]


Data Preparation

1- Number of total SNPs in exposure: 7,250,104 SNPs

2- Number of SNPs exposure with p-value < \(5 \times 10^-8\): 16,012 SNPs

3- Number of SNPs exposure after clumping : 115 SNPs

4- Number of total SNPs in outcome: 10,836,150 SNPs

5- Number of common variants between exposure and outcome: 109 SNPs

6- Number of SNPs after harmonization (action=3) = 90 SNPs

7- Number of SNPs after removing HLA region with exploring in HLA Genes, Nomenclature = 89 SNP (rs28407950 was removed)

8- Number of SNPs after removing those that have MAF < 0.01 = 89 SNPs

10- Checking pleiotropy by PhenoScanner:

How many SNPs have been eliminated after checking the PhenoScanner website: 0 SNPs

Checking weakness of the instruments

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   29.78   36.13   42.63  117.54   70.06 2567.54

How many SNPs have been eliminated with checking the weakness: 0 SNP

RUN an initial MR:

Initial MR analysis
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure MR Egger 89 -0.1464337 0.0916311 0.1136513
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Weighted median 89 -0.1237461 0.0664158 0.0624335
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 89 -0.1307693 0.0577112 0.0234559
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Simple mode 89 -0.1865331 0.1400346 0.1862833
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Weighted mode 89 -0.1418811 0.0613496 0.0230741

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure MR Egger 180.7067 87 0
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 180.8081 88 0
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure 0.0005249 0.0023765 0.8257019

Testing Outlier with PRESSO test

## [1] "Two SNPs (rs73413596 and rs9861009) were detected by MRPRESSO and excluded for further analyses"
MR analysis after excluding SNPs detected by MRPRESSO
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure MR Egger 87 -0.1334385 0.0800126 0.0990519
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Weighted median 87 -0.1247436 0.0672326 0.0635386
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 87 -0.1267930 0.0505315 0.0121008
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Simple mode 87 -0.1848303 0.1496629 0.2202023
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Weighted mode 87 -0.1337747 0.0657218 0.0448821

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure MR Egger 134.4047 85 0.0005139
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 134.4230 86 0.0006569
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure 0.0002243 0.0020857 0.9146166

Studentized residuals:

Radial test

## Radial IVW
##                    Estimate  Std.Error   t value    Pr(>|t|)
## Effect (Mod.2nd) -0.1267937 0.05053137 -2.509208 0.012100225
## Iterative        -0.1267937 0.05053137 -2.509208 0.012100225
## Exact (FE)       -0.1284882 0.04043783 -3.177427 0.001485882
## Exact (RE)       -0.1278726 0.05773297 -2.214896 0.029410571
## Residual standard error: 1.25 on 86 degrees of freedom
## F-statistic: 6.3 on 1 and 86 DF, p-value: 0.014
## Q-Statistic for heterogeneity: 134.2939 on 86 DF , p-value: 0.0006739595
##  No significant outliers 
## Number of iterations = 2
## [1] "No significant outliers"

Cook’s distance

In statistics, Cook’s distance or Cook’s D is a commonly used estimate of the influence of a data point when performing a least-squares regression analysis.[1] In a practical ordinary least squares analysis, Cook’s distance can be used in several ways:

1- To indicate influential data points that are particularly worth checking for validity.

2- To indicate regions of the design space where it would be good to be able to obtain more data points.

It is named after the American statistician R. Dennis Cook, who introduced the concept in 1977.


##        23        82 
## 7.9211985 0.3927332

Run After deleting new outlier: Final Results:

MR analysis after deleting outliers
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure MR Egger 77 -0.3186386 0.1133876 0.0063124
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Weighted median 77 -0.2144203 0.0786440 0.0064016
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 77 -0.1973681 0.0535110 0.0002257
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Simple mode 77 -0.2324364 0.1715690 0.1795047
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Weighted mode 77 -0.2661283 0.1027979 0.0115342

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure MR Egger 73.88599 75 0.5147087
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 75.35763 76 0.4992441
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 avirfC outcome exposure 0.002823 0.0023271 0.2288948

Sensitivity analyses with MendelianRandomization Package

## Inverse-variance weighted method
## (variants uncorrelated, random-effect model)
## Number of Variants : 77 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI        p-value
##     IVW   -0.197     0.054 -0.302, -0.092   0.000
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Residual standard error =  0.996 
## Residual standard error is set to 1 in calculation of confidence interval when its estimate is less than 1.
## Heterogeneity test statistic (Cochran's Q) = 75.3576 on 76 degrees of freedom, (p-value = 0.4992). I^2 = 0.0%.
##                     Method Estimate Std Error 95% CI         P-value
##              Simple median   -0.202     0.084  -0.367 -0.036   0.017
##            Weighted median   -0.215     0.082  -0.375 -0.054   0.009
##  Penalized weighted median   -0.215     0.082  -0.375 -0.054   0.009
##                        IVW   -0.197     0.054  -0.302 -0.092   0.000
##              Penalized IVW   -0.197     0.054  -0.302 -0.092   0.000
##                 Robust IVW   -0.202     0.052  -0.304 -0.099   0.000
##       Penalized robust IVW   -0.202     0.052  -0.304 -0.099   0.000
##                   MR-Egger   -0.319     0.113  -0.541 -0.096   0.005
##                (intercept)    0.003     0.002  -0.002  0.007   0.225
##         Penalized MR-Egger   -0.319     0.113  -0.541 -0.096   0.005
##                (intercept)    0.003     0.002  -0.002  0.007   0.225
##            Robust MR-Egger   -0.317     0.094  -0.502 -0.133   0.001
##                (intercept)    0.003     0.002  -0.002  0.007   0.230
##  Penalized robust MR-Egger   -0.317     0.094  -0.502 -0.133   0.001
##                (intercept)    0.003     0.002  -0.002  0.007   0.230

id.exposure id.outcome exposure outcome snp_r2.exposure snp_r2.outcome correct_causal_direction steiger_pval
oUw2e5 avirfC exposure outcome 0.0138834 0.0001799 TRUE 0
## $r2_exp
## [1] 0
## $r2_out
## [1] 0.25
## $r2_exp_adj
## [1] 0
## $r2_out_adj
## [1] 0.25
## $correct_causal_direction
## [1] FALSE
## $steiger_test
## [1] 0
## $correct_causal_direction_adj
## [1] FALSE
## $steiger_test_adj
## [1] 0
## $vz
## [1] NaN
## $vz0
## [1] 0
## $vz1
## [1] NaN
## $sensitivity_ratio
## [1] NaN
## $sensitivity_plot

Working with MRraps

## $beta.hat
## [1] -0.1999762
## $
## [1] 0.05431763
## $beta.p.value
## [1] 0.0002317672
## $
## [1] 0.05395171
## $chi.sq.test
## [1] 75.17799
##   over.dispersion loss.function   beta.hat
## 1           FALSE            l2 -0.1999762 0.05431763
## 2           FALSE         huber -0.2055908 0.05573633
## 3           FALSE         tukey -0.2049427 0.05573554
## 4            TRUE            l2 -0.1999772 0.05432156
## 5            TRUE         huber -0.2056785 0.05588018
## 6            TRUE         tukey -0.2050190 0.05627405
## MR-Lasso method 
## Number of variants : 77 
## Number of valid instruments : 77 
## Tuning parameter : 0.2793058 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Exposure Estimate Std Error  95% CI        p-value
##  exposure   -0.197     0.054 -0.302, -0.092   0.000
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Constrained maximum likelihood method (MRcML) 
## Number of Variants:  77 
## Results for:  cML-MA-BIC 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Method Estimate    SE Pvalue          95% CI
##  cML-MA-BIC   -0.200 0.054  0.000 [-0.306,-0.095]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Debiased inverse-variance weighted method
## (Over.dispersion:TRUE)
## Number of Variants : 77 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI        p-value Condition
##    dIVW   -0.200     0.054 -0.307, -0.094   0.000   652.186
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Mode-based method of Hartwig et al
## (weighted, delta standard errors [not assuming NOME], bandwidth factor = 1)
## Number of Variants : 77 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI        p-value
##     MBE   -0.266     0.112 -0.486, -0.046   0.018
## ------------------------------------------------------------------

[VitD and HT]


Data Preparation

1- Number of total SNPs in exposure: 7,250,104 SNPs

2- Number of SNPs exposure with p-value < \(5 \times 10^-8\): 16,012 SNPs

3- Number of SNPs exposure after clumping : 115 SNPs

4- Number of total SNPs in outcome: 25,797,652 SNPs

5- Number of common variants between exposure and outcome: 106 SNPs

6- Number of SNPs after harmonization (action=3) = 88 SNPs

7- Number of SNPs after removing HLA region with exploring in HLA Genes, Nomenclature = 87 SNP (rs28407950 was removed)

8- Number of SNPs after removing those that have MAF < 0.01 = 87 SNPs

10- Checking pleiotropy by PhenoScanner:

How many SNPs have been eliminated after checking the PhenoScanner website: 0 SNPs

Checking weakness of the instruments

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   29.78   35.78   43.13  118.55   67.82 2567.54

How many SNPs have been eliminated with checking the weakness: 0 SNP

RUN an initial MR:

Initial MR analysis
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure MR Egger 87 -0.1767241 0.1667552 0.2922463
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Weighted median 87 -0.0450173 0.1511758 0.7658700
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 87 -0.0469765 0.1008700 0.6414211
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Simple mode 87 0.1921724 0.2781094 0.4914291
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Weighted mode 87 -0.0462505 0.1263834 0.7152983

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure MR Egger 112.7475 85 0.0237107
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 114.0142 86 0.0233072
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure 0.004073 0.0041678 0.3312166

Testing Outlier with PRESSO test

## [1] "Two SNPs (rs73413596 and rs9861009) were detected by MRPRESSO and excluded for further analyses"
MR analysis after excluding SNPs detected by MRPRESSO
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure MR Egger 87 -0.1767241 0.1667552 0.2922463
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Weighted median 87 -0.0450173 0.1584242 0.7762901
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 87 -0.0469765 0.1008700 0.6414211
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Simple mode 87 0.1921724 0.2743620 0.4855471
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Weighted mode 87 -0.0462505 0.1295946 0.7220515

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure MR Egger 112.7475 85 0.0237107
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 114.0142 86 0.0233072
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure 0.004073 0.0041678 0.3312166

Studentized residuals:

Radial test

## Radial IVW
##                     Estimate  Std.Error    t value  Pr(>|t|)
## Effect (Mod.2nd) -0.04697674 0.10087009 -0.4657153 0.6414193
## Iterative        -0.04697674 0.10087009 -0.4657153 0.6414193
## Exact (FE)       -0.04752580 0.08760697 -0.5424887 0.5874819
## Exact (RE)       -0.04738330 0.08539171 -0.5548935 0.5804079
## Residual standard error: 1.151 on 86 degrees of freedom
## F-statistic: 0.22 on 1 and 86 DF, p-value: 0.643
## Q-Statistic for heterogeneity: 114.0109 on 86 DF , p-value: 0.02331904
##  No significant outliers 
## Number of iterations = 2
## [1] "No significant outliers"

Cook’s distance

In statistics, Cook’s distance or Cook’s D is a commonly used estimate of the influence of a data point when performing a least-squares regression analysis.[1] In a practical ordinary least squares analysis, Cook’s distance can be used in several ways:

1- To indicate influential data points that are particularly worth checking for validity.

2- To indicate regions of the design space where it would be good to be able to obtain more data points.

It is named after the American statistician R. Dennis Cook, who introduced the concept in 1977.


##        22        26        28        81 
## 2.2775207 0.1161799 0.3026865 0.3128092

Run After deleting new outlier: Final Results:

MR analysis after deleting outliers
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure MR Egger 81 -0.1444301 0.1675495 0.3912886
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Weighted median 81 -0.0405204 0.1530674 0.7912231
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 81 -0.0213403 0.0985213 0.8285153
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Simple mode 81 0.2127241 0.3004208 0.4809492
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Weighted mode 81 -0.0244143 0.1329955 0.8548133

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure MR Egger 95.32294 79 0.1019003
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 96.31948 80 0.1032066
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS outcome exposure 0.0037247 0.0040985 0.3662284

Sensitivity analyses with MendelianRandomization Package

## Inverse-variance weighted method
## (variants uncorrelated, random-effect model)
## Number of Variants : 81 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI       p-value
##     IVW   -0.021     0.099 -0.214, 0.172   0.829
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Residual standard error =  1.097 
## Heterogeneity test statistic (Cochran's Q) = 96.3195 on 80 degrees of freedom, (p-value = 0.1032). I^2 = 16.9%.
##                     Method Estimate Std Error 95% CI        P-value
##              Simple median    0.081     0.155  -0.223 0.386   0.600
##            Weighted median   -0.040     0.150  -0.335 0.254   0.788
##  Penalized weighted median   -0.042     0.150  -0.336 0.253   0.782
##                        IVW   -0.021     0.099  -0.214 0.172   0.829
##              Penalized IVW   -0.036     0.095  -0.221 0.150   0.706
##                 Robust IVW   -0.032     0.069  -0.167 0.104   0.648
##       Penalized robust IVW   -0.036     0.069  -0.171 0.099   0.599
##                   MR-Egger   -0.144     0.168  -0.473 0.184   0.389
##                (intercept)    0.004     0.004  -0.004 0.012   0.363
##         Penalized MR-Egger   -0.121     0.163  -0.441 0.198   0.457
##                (intercept)    0.003     0.004  -0.005 0.011   0.499
##            Robust MR-Egger   -0.113     0.095  -0.298 0.073   0.234
##                (intercept)    0.003     0.004  -0.005 0.010   0.485
##  Penalized robust MR-Egger   -0.105     0.091  -0.283 0.073   0.249
##                (intercept)    0.002     0.004  -0.005 0.010   0.533

id.exposure id.outcome exposure outcome snp_r2.exposure snp_r2.outcome correct_causal_direction steiger_pval
oUw2e5 jVh3lS exposure outcome 0.0171032 0.0002433 TRUE 0
## $r2_exp
## [1] 0
## $r2_out
## [1] 0.25
## $r2_exp_adj
## [1] 0
## $r2_out_adj
## [1] 0.25
## $correct_causal_direction
## [1] FALSE
## $steiger_test
## [1] 0
## $correct_causal_direction_adj
## [1] FALSE
## $steiger_test_adj
## [1] 0
## $vz
## [1] NaN
## $vz0
## [1] 0
## $vz1
## [1] NaN
## $sensitivity_ratio
## [1] NaN
## $sensitivity_plot

Working with MRraps

## $beta.hat
## [1] -0.02158423
## $
## [1] 0.09058503
## $beta.p.value
## [1] 0.8116671
## $
## [1] 0.0901482
## $chi.sq.test
## [1] 96.31883
##   over.dispersion loss.function    beta.hat
## 1           FALSE            l2 -0.02158423 0.09058503
## 2           FALSE         huber -0.03384769 0.09293915
## 3           FALSE         tukey -0.03399085 0.09293933
## 4            TRUE            l2 -0.02255761 0.09770638
## 5            TRUE         huber -0.03664930 0.10136241
## 6            TRUE         tukey -0.03232759 0.10111534
## MR-Lasso method 
## Number of variants : 81 
## Number of valid instruments : 78 
## Tuning parameter : 0.2830687 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Exposure Estimate Std Error  95% CI       p-value
##  exposure   -0.070     0.090 -0.247, 0.107   0.436
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Constrained maximum likelihood method (MRcML) 
## Number of Variants:  81 
## Results for:  cML-MA-BIC 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Method Estimate    SE Pvalue         95% CI
##  cML-MA-BIC   -0.024 0.091  0.788 [-0.202,0.153]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Debiased inverse-variance weighted method
## (Over.dispersion:TRUE)
## Number of Variants : 81 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI       p-value Condition
##    dIVW   -0.022     0.100 -0.217, 0.174   0.829   968.842
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Mode-based method of Hartwig et al
## (weighted, delta standard errors [not assuming NOME], bandwidth factor = 1)
## Number of Variants : 81 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI       p-value
##     MBE   -0.024     0.146 -0.310, 0.261   0.867
## ------------------------------------------------------------------

[VitD and fT4]


Data Preparation

1- Number of total SNPs in exposure: 7,250,104 SNPs

2- Number of SNPs exposure with p-value < \(5 \times 10^-8\): 16,012 SNPs

3- Number of SNPs exposure after clumping : 115 SNPs

4- Number of total SNPs in outcome: 7,745,739 SNPs

5- Number of common variants between exposure and outcome: 101 SNPs

6- Number of SNPs after harmonization (action=3) = 84 SNPs

7- Number of SNPs after removing HLA region with exploring in HLA Genes, Nomenclature = 84 SNP (rs28407950 was removed)

8- Number of SNPs after removing those that have MAF < 0.01 = 84 SNPs

10- Checking pleiotropy by PhenoScanner:

How many SNPs have been eliminated after checking the PhenoScanner website: 0 SNPs

Checking weakness of the instruments

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   29.78   36.14   43.18  121.47   70.46 2567.54

How many SNPs have been eliminated with checking the weakness: 0 SNP

RUN an initial MR:

Initial MR analysis
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure MR Egger 84 -0.0418438 0.0854867 0.6258107
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Weighted median 84 0.0722727 0.0617734 0.2420150
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 84 0.0122784 0.0543298 0.8212032
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Simple mode 84 0.0189745 0.1576589 0.9044954
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Weighted mode 84 0.0498572 0.0567387 0.3820925

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure MR Egger 198.4561 82 0
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 200.0878 83 0
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure 0.0018081 0.0022021 0.413966

Testing Outlier with PRESSO test

## [1] "Two SNPs (rs12317268 and rs7439366) were detected by MRPRESSO and excluded for further analyses"
MR analysis after excluding SNPs detected by MRPRESSO
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure MR Egger 82 -0.0185637 0.0754185 0.8062026
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Weighted median 82 0.0730557 0.0619674 0.2384231
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 82 0.0507501 0.0486693 0.2970623
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Simple mode 82 0.0252830 0.1530636 0.8692142
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Weighted mode 82 0.0432513 0.0609228 0.4797819

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure MR Egger 149.4853 80 4.1e-06
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 152.1795 81 2.9e-06
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure 0.0023277 0.0019385 0.2333822

Studentized residuals:

Radial test

## Radial IVW
##                    Estimate  Std.Error   t value  Pr(>|t|)
## Effect (Mod.2nd) 0.05074888 0.04866908 1.0427335 0.2970718
## Iterative        0.05074888 0.04866908 1.0427335 0.2970718
## Exact (FE)       0.05160059 0.03551133 1.4530740 0.1462032
## Exact (RE)       0.05120977 0.05328849 0.9609911 0.3394166
## Residual standard error: 1.371 on 81 degrees of freedom
## F-statistic: 1.09 on 1 and 81 DF, p-value: 0.3
## Q-Statistic for heterogeneity: 152.146 on 81 DF , p-value: 2.936746e-06
##  No significant outliers 
## Number of iterations = 2
## [1] "No significant outliers"

Cook’s distance

In statistics, Cook’s distance or Cook’s D is a commonly used estimate of the influence of a data point when performing a least-squares regression analysis.[1] In a practical ordinary least squares analysis, Cook’s distance can be used in several ways:

1- To indicate influential data points that are particularly worth checking for validity.

2- To indicate regions of the design space where it would be good to be able to obtain more data points.

It is named after the American statistician R. Dennis Cook, who introduced the concept in 1977.


##         12         20         21         25         29         31         50 
## 0.03515705 0.04136593 0.25701721 0.03762193 0.08422961 0.08033235 0.03836803 
##         67 
## 0.06786057

Run After deleting new outlier: Final Results:

MR analysis after deleting outliers
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure MR Egger 70 0.2466067 0.1387102 0.0798986
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Weighted median 70 0.2233635 0.0803358 0.0054296
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 70 0.2035989 0.0563823 0.0003050
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Simple mode 70 0.0316973 0.1772358 0.8585853
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Weighted mode 70 0.2194134 0.1176407 0.0664179

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure MR Egger 86.59380 68 0.0636779
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 86.74083 69 0.0731205
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
oUw2e5 daasDf outcome exposure -0.0008971 0.00264 0.735061

Sensitivity analyses with MendelianRandomization Package

## Inverse-variance weighted method
## (variants uncorrelated, random-effect model)
## Number of Variants : 70 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error 95% CI       p-value
##     IVW    0.204     0.056 0.093, 0.314   0.000
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Residual standard error =  1.121 
## Heterogeneity test statistic (Cochran's Q) = 86.7408 on 69 degrees of freedom, (p-value = 0.0731). I^2 = 20.5%.
##                     Method Estimate Std Error 95% CI        P-value
##              Simple median    0.123     0.080  -0.034 0.280   0.125
##            Weighted median    0.224     0.080   0.068 0.381   0.005
##  Penalized weighted median    0.223     0.080   0.066 0.380   0.005
##                        IVW    0.204     0.056   0.093 0.314   0.000
##              Penalized IVW    0.204     0.056   0.093 0.314   0.000
##                 Robust IVW    0.193     0.060   0.075 0.310   0.001
##       Penalized robust IVW    0.193     0.060   0.075 0.310   0.001
##                   MR-Egger    0.247     0.139  -0.025 0.518   0.075
##                (intercept)   -0.001     0.003  -0.006 0.004   0.734
##         Penalized MR-Egger    0.247     0.139  -0.025 0.518   0.075
##                (intercept)   -0.001     0.003  -0.006 0.004   0.734
##            Robust MR-Egger    0.276     0.117   0.046 0.507   0.018
##                (intercept)   -0.002     0.003  -0.007 0.003   0.486
##  Penalized robust MR-Egger    0.276     0.117   0.046 0.507   0.018
##                (intercept)   -0.002     0.003  -0.007 0.003   0.486

id.exposure id.outcome exposure outcome snp_r2.exposure snp_r2.outcome correct_causal_direction steiger_pval
oUw2e5 daasDf exposure outcome 0.0109999 0.0020872 TRUE 0
## $r2_exp
## [1] 0
## $r2_out
## [1] 0.25
## $r2_exp_adj
## [1] 0
## $r2_out_adj
## [1] 0.25
## $correct_causal_direction
## [1] FALSE
## $steiger_test
## [1] 0
## $correct_causal_direction_adj
## [1] FALSE
## $steiger_test_adj
## [1] 0
## $vz
## [1] NaN
## $vz0
## [1] 0
## $vz1
## [1] NaN
## $sensitivity_ratio
## [1] NaN
## $sensitivity_plot

Working with MRraps

## $beta.hat
## [1] 0.2075324
## $
## [1] 0.05105289
## $beta.p.value
## [1] 4.80227e-05
## $
## [1] 0.05066738
## $chi.sq.test
## [1] 86.42346
##   over.dispersion loss.function  beta.hat
## 1           FALSE            l2 0.2075324 0.05105289
## 2           FALSE         huber 0.1909614 0.05234920
## 3           FALSE         tukey 0.1939161 0.05235445
## 4            TRUE            l2 0.2049852 0.05640578
## 5            TRUE         huber 0.1923723 0.05880302
## 6            TRUE         tukey 0.1963334 0.05908604
## Constrained maximum likelihood method (MRcML) 
## Number of Variants:  70 
## Results for:  cML-MA-BIC 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Method Estimate    SE Pvalue        95% CI
##  cML-MA-BIC    0.207 0.051  0.000 [0.107,0.307]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Debiased inverse-variance weighted method
## (Over.dispersion:TRUE)
## Number of Variants : 70 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error 95% CI       p-value Condition
##    dIVW    0.207     0.057 0.095, 0.319   0.000   540.818
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Mode-based method of Hartwig et al
## (weighted, delta standard errors [not assuming NOME], bandwidth factor = 1)
## Number of Variants : 70 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error 95% CI       p-value
##     MBE    0.219     0.081 0.060, 0.379   0.007
## ------------------------------------------------------------------

[VitD and TSH]


Data Preparation

1- Number of total SNPs in exposure: 7,250,104 SNPs

2- Number of SNPs exposure with p-value < \(5 \times 10^-8\): 16,012 SNPs

3- Number of SNPs exposure after clumping : 115 SNPs

4- Number of total SNPs in outcome: 7,742,681 SNPs

5- Number of common variants between exposure and outcome: 101 SNPs

6- Number of SNPs after harmonization (action=3) = 84 SNPs

7- Number of SNPs after removing HLA region with exploring in HLA Genes, Nomenclature = 84 SNP

8- Number of SNPs after removing those that have MAF < 0.01 = 84 SNPs

10- Checking pleiotropy by PhenoScanner:

How many SNPs have been eliminated after checking the PhenoScanner website: 1 SNP (rs73413596)

Checking weakness of the instruments

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   29.78   36.14   43.24  122.48   70.86 2567.54

How many SNPs have been eliminated with checking the weakness: 0 SNP

RUN an initial MR:

Initial MR analysis
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure MR Egger 83 -0.0282157 0.0675033 0.6770598
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Weighted median 83 -0.0145698 0.0542339 0.7882004
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 83 -0.0469732 0.0427422 0.2717736
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Simple mode 83 -0.0636091 0.1114217 0.5696380
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Weighted mode 83 -0.0429973 0.0481854 0.3748270

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure MR Egger 138.6384 81 7.07e-05
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 138.8606 82 8.97e-05
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure -0.0006249 0.0017343 0.7195554

Testing Outlier with PRESSO test

## [1] "One SNP (rs532436) was detected by MRPRESSO and excluded for further analyses"
MR analysis after excluding SNPs detected by MRPRESSO
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method nsnp b se pval
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure MR Egger 82 -0.0331682 0.0543454 0.5433790
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Weighted median 82 -0.0145490 0.0546133 0.7899313
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 82 -0.0295222 0.0344758 0.3918233
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Simple mode 82 -0.0579555 0.1092497 0.5972258
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Weighted mode 82 -0.0372654 0.0476711 0.4366590

Heterogeneity testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure method Q Q_df Q_pval
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure MR Egger 88.73302 80 0.2360567
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure Inverse variance weighted 88.74145 81 0.2604797
pleiotropy testing
id.exposure id.outcome outcome exposure egger_intercept se pval
qxmOS6 7CyyhT outcome exposure 0.0001221 0.0014005 0.9307676

Studentized residuals:

Radial test

## Radial IVW
##                     Estimate  Std.Error    t value  Pr(>|t|)
## Effect (Mod.2nd) -0.02952200 0.03447575 -0.8563121 0.3918252
## Iterative        -0.02952200 0.03447575 -0.8563121 0.3918252
## Exact (FE)       -0.02979675 0.03293912 -0.9046008 0.3656769
## Exact (RE)       -0.02979331 0.03355018 -0.8880223 0.3771582
## Residual standard error: 1.047 on 81 degrees of freedom
## F-statistic: 0.73 on 1 and 81 DF, p-value: 0.394
## Q-Statistic for heterogeneity: 88.73384 on 81 DF , p-value: 0.2606622
##  No significant outliers 
## Number of iterations = 2
## [1] "No significant outliers"

Sensitivity analyses with MendelianRandomization Package

## Inverse-variance weighted method
## (variants uncorrelated, random-effect model)
## Number of Variants : 82 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI       p-value
##     IVW   -0.030     0.034 -0.097, 0.038   0.392
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Residual standard error =  1.047 
## Heterogeneity test statistic (Cochran's Q) = 88.7414 on 81 degrees of freedom, (p-value = 0.2605). I^2 = 8.7%.
##                     Method Estimate Std Error 95% CI        P-value
##              Simple median   -0.031     0.059  -0.145 0.084   0.602
##            Weighted median   -0.015     0.055  -0.123 0.094   0.792
##  Penalized weighted median   -0.015     0.056  -0.123 0.094   0.794
##                        IVW   -0.030     0.034  -0.097 0.038   0.392
##              Penalized IVW   -0.030     0.034  -0.097 0.038   0.392
##                 Robust IVW   -0.028     0.032  -0.090 0.034   0.383
##       Penalized robust IVW   -0.028     0.032  -0.090 0.034   0.383
##                   MR-Egger   -0.033     0.054  -0.140 0.073   0.542
##                (intercept)    0.000     0.001  -0.003 0.003   0.931
##         Penalized MR-Egger   -0.033     0.054  -0.140 0.073   0.541
##                (intercept)    0.000     0.001  -0.003 0.003   0.930
##            Robust MR-Egger   -0.032     0.049  -0.128 0.063   0.507
##                (intercept)    0.000     0.001  -0.003 0.003   0.910
##  Penalized robust MR-Egger   -0.032     0.049  -0.128 0.063   0.507
##                (intercept)    0.000     0.001  -0.003 0.003   0.910

id.exposure id.outcome exposure outcome snp_r2.exposure snp_r2.outcome correct_causal_direction steiger_pval
qxmOS6 7CyyhT exposure outcome 0.0192884 0.0016496 TRUE 0
## $r2_exp
## [1] 0
## $r2_out
## [1] 0.25
## $r2_exp_adj
## [1] 0
## $r2_out_adj
## [1] 0.25
## $correct_causal_direction
## [1] FALSE
## $steiger_test
## [1] 0
## $correct_causal_direction_adj
## [1] FALSE
## $steiger_test_adj
## [1] 0
## $vz
## [1] NaN
## $vz0
## [1] 0
## $vz1
## [1] NaN
## $sensitivity_ratio
## [1] NaN
## $sensitivity_plot

Working with MRraps

## $beta.hat
## [1] -0.02980411
## $
## [1] 0.03321019
## $beta.p.value
## [1] 0.3694849
## $
## [1] 0.03306716
## $chi.sq.test
## [1] 88.73377
##   over.dispersion loss.function    beta.hat
## 1           FALSE            l2 -0.02980411 0.03321019
## 2           FALSE         huber -0.02894143 0.03407276
## 3           FALSE         tukey -0.02726968 0.03407253
## 4            TRUE            l2 -0.03147601 0.03461906
## 5            TRUE         huber -0.03107808 0.03698782
## 6            TRUE         tukey -0.03009628 0.03673932
## Constrained maximum likelihood method (MRcML) 
## Number of Variants:  82 
## Results for:  cML-MA-BIC 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##      Method Estimate    SE Pvalue         95% CI
##  cML-MA-BIC   -0.030 0.033  0.371 [-0.094,0.035]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Debiased inverse-variance weighted method
## (Over.dispersion:TRUE)
## Number of Variants : 82 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI       p-value Condition
##    dIVW   -0.030     0.034 -0.097, 0.038   0.388  1108.127
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## Mode-based method of Hartwig et al
## (weighted, delta standard errors [not assuming NOME], bandwidth factor = 1)
## Number of Variants : 82 
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Method Estimate Std Error  95% CI       p-value
##     MBE   -0.037     0.059 -0.153, 0.079   0.529
## ------------------------------------------------------------------